Oak Hills Owners’ Association Annual Meeting
December 4, 2022

Board members present – Jeff Todd, Chad Olivier, Lori Estes

13 homeowners in attendance

Jeff Todd opened the meeting at 4:11pm reporting that there were only a few complaints over the past year for the ECC. If anyone has additional comments/concerns, please reach out to Jeff or Lori.

Main project for 2023 will be the feasibility of 2-4 pickleball courts in the public use 7-acre space around the mailboxes. So far, this has not been approved by Douglas County and is not funded.

Questions from homeowners:

Should the neighborhood be polled?

Where would the funding come from? (There is not enough money in our reserves).

What about liability?

Would this be private for our neighborhood or public?

Additional questions/comments from homeowners:

Water Rights: The question of “returning the water rights to owners” was raised again. The following is some history which hopefully will give some insight into this issue.

In 2004, concerns were raised about long-term water supplies in Oak Hills.  Please see attached letter from David Homan, who was the president at that time, outlining recommendations related to obtaining water rights for Oak Hills.

An attorney was selected, and he recommended that the application be filed in the name of the Oak Hills Owners Association as to make the withdrawal and use of the ground water economically feasible.  Attached is a letter from the attorney, Mark J Wagner, outlining the reasons, requirements, process, and cost estimate to adjudicate rights to Denver basin ground water. 73 owners voluntarily participated, each deemed to have an undivided 1/73 interest in the Denver basin ground water.


The 73 participating owners (or their successors-in-interest) have conveyed rights to ground water in the Denver Basin Aquifers (Dawson, Denver, Arapahoe, and Laramie-Fox Hills aquifers) with the decision-making authority being the Oak Hills Owners Association.  However, the OHOA board does not have unlimited power, there are certain situations that would require a 2/3 vote by the 73 owners.  See section 10.5 of Article X attached.

At this time, the board has decided to speak to/and perhaps hire a water rights attorney that can speak in a language that we can all understand. That way, if it comes to a neighborhood vote, we will all know what we are voting for or against.

Water Reserve Fund: The OHOA water reserve fund was started as a protection in the event homeowners needed to get “city water” to their homes.  In this case, the expense to each homeowner would be significant. We no longer collect for the water reserve fund and the balance is currently $31,100.

Road Drainage: many areas through our neighborhood have poor drainage. Here is the link to request road evaluations https://www.douglas.co.us/public-works/road-maintenance/potholes/ or you can call 303-660-7480.

What would it take to become a gated community? This would decrease traffic through our neighborhood and improve safety. It has always been thought that the county wouldn’t plow our roads if we were gated but this could have changed.  Jeff will check to see if this is still true.  There would also be a significant cost if we were to add gates.

Please slow down:  A dog was nearly hit by someone driving too fast through the neighborhood!

Treasurer Report: Chad reviewed budget with homeowners in attendance and is attached. Income comes from yearly dues ($200/year) but 34 homeowners have failed to pay 2022 dues. Chad will send email to those who have not paid. After dues are paid, we will have approximately $82,000.

Meeting adjourned 4:42pm

Oak Hills Owners’ Association Annual Meeting
November 7, 2021

Board members present – Jeff Todd, Chad Olivier, Lori Estes and Ryan Higgins.
18 homeowners in attendance.

Proof of Notice of Meeting – Notice sent via email on 10/11/21

Reading of minutes – Past years minutes can be found at https://oakhillsoa.com/minutes/annual-minutes/

Main project for the past years were mailboxes and internet.

Mailboxes: The mailbox project is complete. The main concern continues to be security. There is no power at the mailboxes, so solar lights are the only option if we want more lighting. Cameras are not feasible as they would have to be wireless cameras and the head end would need to be installed at the closest home and the bandwidth to record would be overwhelming.

Mailbox Feedback: Homeowners asked if we could extend the roof due to ice in front of the boxes. Another suggested adding more posts in front. Discussed the addition of solar lights to make area more secure.

Internet: In the past year Jeff worked on getting extra capacity for the DSL line. There had been some discussion about trying to ban together with surrounding neighborhoods to provide better internet with a new carrier, but there weren’t enough votes to pass. The closer your home is to the box the better the signal seems to be. One homeowner said their internet had improved.

Trash Volunteer Day: We would like to increase this to twice a year. This would also be an opportunity for kids to get volunteer hours for school or other organizations.

Treasurer Report: Chad provided financials to homeowners in attendance and reviewed budget. Main expense for 2021 was mailbox replacement. Income comes from yearly dues ($200/year) and small amount of interest. We still have approximately $31,000 in the water reserve fund.

Homeowner asked if we could make better interest on our money, but the goal is to put our money to use. Ideas included fire mitigation and beautification of the neighborhood.

ECC committee: Ryan has resigned as the ECC chair and Jeff has taken on the role. Reminder that new buildings, upgrades, pools, etc. are bound by Douglas County regulations. Variance requests are required if project varies from the community covenants.

Community Event Ideas: We would like to have a Christmas party as we did not have one last year. Please let us know if you are willing to volunteer to host.

Covenants and bylaws voting: The covenants and bylaws have been rewritten and unanimously approved by the board but need 60 votes by homeowners to pass. In the past, the board was not in 100% agreement, but this is no longer the case. Bill volunteered to go around and champion neighbors to get to the 60 votes needed to finally pass the revisions.

Ad Hoc Topics

Question was raised regarding the use of the land across from the mailboxes. This land belongs to Douglas County and in the past Oak Hills paid to maintain it. Years ago, they voted to no longer keep it up and we can no longer use that area.

Ryan reminded everyone that there is no open burning allowed in the neighborhood.

Water Rights: This issue was raised again, and it is a complicated issue. There are pros and cons to returning the water rights to homeowners. 9 lots did not participate when the water fund was started so there is a question on how to return those funds appropriately.

The OHOA water reserve fund was started in order to give the neighborhood more power to negotiate in case we needed to tap into other water sources. The expense to each homeowner to get “city water” to their homes would be significant. Years ago, there were questions about the long-term viability of our wells into the Dawson aquifer. Now, the Dawson is predicted to last at least 30 years. Additionally, not all our wells are tapped into the Dawson, it all depends on the depth.

Should the water rights be returned to the homeowners? This would require a 2/3 majority approval. Some feel there is power in numbers, and we should keep the fund, others think the water rights should go back to homeowners.

The following website for the Rural Water Authority of Douglas County, Colorado is a great resource.

Meeting adjourned 5:45

Additional information will be coming on water fund reissue, rewritten covenants and rewritten by-laws.

Oak Hills Owners’ Association Annual Meeting via Zoom

June 14, 2020 at 7:00PM

15 total homeowners joined the call

a) Board members Jeff Todd, Chad Oliver, Ryan Higgins and Lori Estes

b) Proof of Notice of Meeting – Notice sent via email on 6/1/2020

c) Reading of minutes – Past years minutes can be found at https://oakhillsoa.com/minutes/annual-minutes/

d) Reports of officers

President: Jeff continues to field calls and emails from homeowners and has been working on the following projects.

Signs: Both signs have been installed at the north and south side of the neighborhood.

DSL: Expansion of DSL with Century Link should be completed soon. Last month, Jeff was in touch with Century Link to address ways to increase speed and allow additional capacity for homeowners. At this point, we are at our limit for users. It was determined that Century Link would make an upgrade that would increase speed and allow more users to access our tap. This will be completed at no charge to the community and should take approximately 45 days. They will let Jeff know when the upgrade is complete and we will pass along the information to everyone.

Mailboxes: Our mailboxes are at their limit for repairs and replacement is the only option. The new personal mailboxes will be bigger and the number and size of the parcel boxes will be increased. This will require permits, contractors and architect plans. There are funds in the budget to cover this project.

Treasurer: Chad is our new treasurer and has been working with Ruth on transferring bank info. No dues have been deposited during this transition so don’t be alarmed if you have sent your dues and the deposit takes longer than normal.

Chad will update the financial and they will be sent soon.

Dues will continue at $300/year and are due June 30, 2020. The annual dues assessment notice was sent via email June 3, 2020.

Water Reserve Fund: 1/3 of the dues are set aside for the water reserve fund. This fund was started about 10 years ago and there is approximately $31,000 in the fund. The OHOA Water Reserve Fund was started in order to pool homeowner water rights to the OHOA board in order to negotiate, if needed, tapping into Castle Rock and Douglas County water sources. It is expected that getting “city water” to each home would be expensive. It would also be the homeowner’s individual cost. The OHOA Water Reserve fund allowed our community to allow the OHOA board to negotiate with city water departments. This fund was started more than 10 years ago when there were questions about the long-term viability of our wells into the Dawson aquifer. Engineering studies were commissioned prior to the origination of the Water Reserve Fund for the contingency. The Dawson aquifer, years later now, is robust and is predicted to last at least 30 years. It is large, extending from Wyoming to Monument and fortunately, other aquifers have been tapped by the exploding growth of Castle Rock before Dawson.

Our board believes we are at a point where the water rights should probably go back to homeowners. This requires a vote and 2/3 majority approval. The OHOA board would like homeowners to consider if they would want individual water rights returned. If we are able to get enough interest to warrant a community vote, we will send it out for voting. If we send it out for vote, it would require 2/3 of the homeowners to approve dissolution of the Water Reserve Fund and returning water rights to each homeowner. The Fund would be appropriately returned to homeowners.

Historically, and based on the last few years of attendance and replies, it is VERY UNLIKELY that 2/3 of the homeowners would even respond, let alone vote for dissolution. OHOA’s board is trying to gauge interest about the subject of dissolution of the Water Reserve Fund.

Secretary: Lori continues to update email list and public directory. Please email Oakhillsco@gmail with contact information changes.

Remember to join our neighborhood FB at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/219554132402793/?ref=share

e) Reports of committees

ECC committee: Ryan now heads the ECC committee. They have reviewed normal projects, the latest an above ground pool, which has been approved.

Ryan reported that Journey Church has been approved for their 150 seat expansion.

f) Election of Managers – No new managers over the past year.

g) Unfinished business – none

h) New business

Discussed having additional meetings throughout year, maybe with online format. We are always looking for better ways to get information to the community.

Speeding continues to be a concern. The posted speed limit is 25 MPH. Discussed speed bumps as an option, but the county won’t plow our roads if we have them.

Concern with dying trees in the community.

Pine beetles were in Surrey Ridge last year so they are active in the area. Homeowners might consider spraying for pine beetles. Ryan uses and recommends Tall Timbers Tree and Shrub Service in Castle Rock at 720-799-7858 to spray for pine beetles.

Sandy Stolar reported that the freeze killed new growth on trees, watch for new growth on ends of branches and if it’s there, the tree should be ok.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40PM

Oak Hills Owners’ Association Annual Meeting
April 7, 2019

a) Roll Call – Board members Jeff Todd, Ruth Hiebert and Lori Estes present. Chad Oliver absent.

b) Proof of Notice of Meeting – Notice sent via email on 3/11/19

c) Reading of minutes – Past years minutes can be found at https://oakhillsoa.com/minutes/annual-minutes/

d) Reports of officers

President: Jeff continues to field calls and emails from homeowners and work on new projects. The main project over the past year has been the new signs. At the north entrance the stone has been placed and the overlay approved but still waiting on final pricing. The sign on the south end will be replaced with a smaller stone in the same footprint so there will be no issues with the county.

Treasurer: Ruth sent out financials to homeowners on 4/3/19. She recapped the income & expense statement. Main expenses are for the tree service and mailbox insurance. We also continue to contribute to the water reserve fund. Dues will continue at $300/year. Ruth will be sending out notices for dues.

Secretary: Lori is working to update email list and public directory. Please email lestes95@gmail.com with contact information that you want in the public directory. If you prefer your information remain private, please indicate that in the email and it will be used for correspondence from the board only.

e) Reports of committees

ECC committee: 5 homeowners have made deposits for ongoing projects. No new official submissions or variances at this time. Ongoing complaints for trash/debris and bright exterior lights.

f) Election of Managers

Ryan Higgins officially joined the board.
Need additional board members for committee for input on new mailboxes

g) Unfinished business – none

h) New business

Replacing mailboxes main project for 2019. Need bigger boxes and better lighting. Considering solar that will light the area all night. Homeowner Chris Brawand volunteered to assist with solar lighting ideas.

Ryan Higgins reported on information regarding the planned development on Havana by new light rail station. The development is 3-5 years out but the question was raised if Oak Hills should be involved due to traffic concerns and noise.

Request was made for additional meetings throughout year.

Question was raised regarding universal trash service for the community.

Speeding continues to be a concern. The posted speed limit is 25 MPH.

Graffiti on rocks on Heather Drive.

Question was raised regarding the use of the land across from the mailboxes. This land belongs to Douglas County and in the past Oak Hills was not permitted to use it.

Please remember clean up after your dogs. Some homeowners considering putting trash cans and bags in front of their property for dog waste disposal.

A grey hoodie (youth medium) was dropped in front of Sandy Stolar’s home on E Oak Hill Drive. Please call her to claim 303-708-9716.

Amy Brawand invited homeowners to attend the Lone Tree Economic Update on April 12 at 10am at the Lone Tree Library.

Need to update covenants and bylaws. To accomplish this a quorum is needed and in the past this was not accomplished. More homeowner involvement is needed to implement changes.